Penetration Resistance Tester

Penetration Resistance Tester

Product Details:

45000 INR/Unit

Penetration Resistance Tester Price And Quantity

  • 45000 INR/Unit
  • 1 Unit

Penetration Resistance Tester Trade Information

  • Cheque
  • 100 Unit Per Month
  • 1 Week
  • Standard.
  • Asia
  • All India

Product Description

The amount of force transmitted through the helmet when a falling block strikes a helmet placed over a suitable head-form is measured with the help of a shock absorption tester. In this equipment, the helmet is mounted on to a suitable head-form, which is rigidly fixed over a metallic block. A guided wooden block falls from a fixed height on the helmet. The peak force transmitted to the head-form is measured and recorded.

Helmets are also be tested for resistance to penetration in the same apparatus when the wooden block is replaced with a striker of specified shape and mass, which is allowed to fall on them from a specified height.

Technical specification


25 KN


Globe Enterprises




50 Hz


AC 220 V, +/-5%

Standard Penetration Speed

1 mm/min


IS 4151

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