The GLOBE Ultra-violet Conditioning Chamber consists of a chamber made of aluminium sheet and fitted with a lamp to give ultra-violet radiations and a spray nozzle to give a water spray on the helmet under conditioning.
The helmet is exposed to ultra-violet radiations from a suitable lamp located vertically above the axis of the helmet.
The spray nozzle is supplied with water from a built in reservoir at a controlled rate through a pump, control valve, and a rotameter. Water is sprayed on top of the helmet from the nozzle located on one side of the chamber. The water is collected after being sprayed on the helmet in the reservoir to give a closed cycle.
In order to expose the helmet to uniform distribution of ultra-violet radiations and water spray, it is placed over a turntable, which is rotated with the help of an electric motor.
A time totalizer is provided to indicate the total time of ultra-violet radiation / water spray.
The chamber is kept on an angle iron stand. The apparatus is finished in shore blue matalic painting on the outside to give it a corrosion resistant finish. Various components that come in contact with water during the test are made from non-corrodible materials.